Friday, October 18, 2019

My biography was just added to my Amazon's Author Page.

I have visited most of the places mentioned in the Simone Shadow Series, though not all. Sadly, some no longer exist. I was sorry to see that Le Petit Zinc in the 6th Arrondissement has closed; its ambience and service could not be bettered and its fruits de mer, sparkling on crushed ice, was the best in Paris.

The series holds many parts of my life within its covers. What appears real may not be and the unbelievable is most likely to be true. Mark Twain captured it exactly when he said. “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.”

I have a fondness for the 70s, when simple things juxtaposed with exciting technical and scientific developments. The internet was born, digital printing was underway, supersonic passenger travel had started (albeit a very, very noisy experience) and this was balanced by the still and slow life of the ordinary person, where travel from village to city was a rare event and agriculture was still in the relative infancy of its modernisation. All over Europe cattle could be found within the ground floor of houses and oxen pulled wooden plough-shafts in a measured tilling of the soil. Europe was only then beginning to forget the horrors of the Second World War and tensions with Russia were at their height.

I spent my holidays at the family home in Brittany, where the spirit of Simone was born.

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